Allow to type in multiple SQL querys into query editor
Allow you to put in multiple SQL / Log querys in a single query window.
Right now it's very limiting to only allow one SQL statement per query window.
I generally have a "scratch" pad which is just a text document that has common querys for a particular set of tasks all within one query document. THis is preferred to having 10 querys all in seperate files as the 10 querys build upon themselves for analysis, they are not mutually exclusive.
You should be able to highlight text in query window and press F5 to run the SELECTED query like the LogParser from codeplex does.
In Log Parser Lizard version 5.0 new keywords are introduced to merge, join, group queries (these can be very useful since the merged datasets can be used in Dashboards and Reports):
GO – create tables in single dataset without relation (useful in dashboard and reports)
MERGE – merge tables in one
LPL_INTERSECT – intersection of two tables
LPL_PRODUCT – product of two tables
RELATION_ON_FIRST_COLUMN – create tables in single dataset and try to create a relation on first column (must be of same data type)
RELATION_ON_SAME_COLUMNS – create tables in single dataset and try to create a relation on all columns with same name
JOIN_ON_FIRST_COLUMN – joins results of two tables in another one on the first column
JOIN_ON_SAME_COLUMNS – joins tables on the columns with the same name
Steve C commented
Thank you, this is HUGE!!!
The following query now outputs two result grids--the second of which contains the UniqueVisitors by date.SELECT DISTINCT date,cs-username FROM 'C:\temp\logs\u_ex1505*.log' GROUP BY date,cs-username
SELECT date,count(cs-username) as UniqueVisitors FROM 'C:\temp\logs\u_ex1505*.log' GROUP BY date -
Nice workaround :) Well, we should implement this feature ASAP
Steve C commented
Here's an ugly work-around! : )
<% With New Diagnostics.Process
With .startinfo
.Arguments = "/c logparser -q:on -i:iisw3c """ & _
"SELECT DISTINCT cs-username,date " & _
"INTO C:\temp\tempUniqueVisitorsPerDay.csv " & _
"FROM D:\IIS_Log_Archive\SP2010\Consolidated\all_u_ex14051*.log " & _
"WHERE cs-username <> NULL " & _
"GROUP BY date, cs-username"""
End With
End With %>SELECT date, count(cs-username) AS UniqueVisitors
FROM c:\temp\tempUniqueVisitorsPerDay.csv
GROUP BY date -
Steve C commented
I would love this. A good use case would be doing the following with a single script.
SELECT DISTINCT cs-username, date INTO tempUniqueVisitorsPerDay.csv FROM logs\iis\ex*.log WHERE cs-username <> NULL Group By Date, cs-username
SELECT date, count(cs-username) as UniqueVisitors into test.txt FROM tempUniqueVisitorsPerDay.csv GROUP BY date